Tag Archives: An Amazing Cultural Decline

An Amazing Cultural Decline

It is a remarkable and horrible thing to contemplate the dramatic changes brought about by political correctness in less than one lifetime. The very foundations of Western civilisation have been undermined by this crass foolishness, and yet few recognise the extent  of the change that has taken place, as the time honoured beliefs, standards and morals of our nations have been swept away in the pursuit of  liberal and ‘progressive’ transitory mores of a decedent society, even in my own lifetime.

For two thousand years those standards, based upon the 10 Commandments, provided an unchanging bedrock upon which our laws were built, family life was based, our gender was determined, our different gender roles were realised,  our respect for any authority existed, and our stability and patriotism survived.

What we have instead is the quite automatic result of rejecting that foundation. We have seen the loss of an Empire, the breakdown of the family, gender confusion, society fragmented by immigration and terror, increacing false religion, lack of respect for our police, teachers, the unborn and the elderly, and chaos in our governments.

All of this in less than a lifetime! The tragedy  is that we have not yet  reached the depths to which we will fall;  bringing about defeat and destruction. Only then, when those who remain realise our error and repent, will Jesus Christ raise us up again – to change not only ourselves, but the whole world!

As the Scriptures say, in 1Corinthians 1:19-20,  ‘”I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent”. So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish.’   NLT.