Tag Archives: gender clinics

Gender Fluid Suicides

“Children will be able access irreversible hormone treatment without seeking court approval following a landmark Australian Family Court judgment.”  – The Australian, December 1st.

There is commonly a three stage treatment for those who are ‘gender fluid’.  Stage 1 involves the use of ‘puberty blockers’ , and is considered reversible. Stage 2 administers hormones which can cause long term infertility and irreversible physical changes – growth of breasts in those changing to female, and hair growth, clitoral enlargement and deepening of the voice in those changing to be a woman.  Stage 3 involves surgical intervention, but usually only after age 18. The diagnosis for these children was previously called “Gender identity disorder’,  but in 2013 the gender fluidity lobby gained its change to ‘gender dysphoria’ . Dysphoria means ‘a state of unease’.

The transgender movement now claims that two year olds can know they are transgender, and a burgeoning number of gender clinics are appearing to ‘help’ those, who as small children insist they are transgender, to gain their wish. This is despite the fact that in psychiatry anyone who insists on anything contrary to physical reality is considered confused or delusional. I’m sure many adults have known of children with quite imaginary friends they talk to, or objects they see, quite invisible to others, but they all grow out of it in time.

Michelle Cretella, M.D. , President of the American College of Paediatricians, views this transgender ideology as in infection  disrupting politics and legal systems.  “Transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us – children – and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community. I have witnessed an upending of the medical consensus on the nature of gender identity. What doctors once treated as a mental illness the medical community now largely affirms and even promotes as normal.

The transgender movement has gained legs in the medical community and in our culture by offering a deeply flawed narrative . These professionals are using the myth that people are born transgender to justify engaging in massive, uncontrolled and un-consented experimentation on children who have a psychological condition that would otherwise resolve after puberty in the vast majority of cases.

Today’s institutions that promote transition affirmation are pushing children to impersonate the opposite sex, sending many of them down the path of puberty blockers, sterilisation, the removal of healthy body parts and untold psychological damage…….”

(In Sweden, one of the world’s most LGBTQ – affirming countries, the suicide rates for adults who undergo sex reassignment is 20 times greater than that of the general population.)

….”These harms constitute nothing less than institutionalised child abuse. Sound ethics demand an immediate end to the use of pubertal suppression, cross sex hormones, and sex reassignment surgeries in children and adolescents, as well as an end to promoting gender ideology via school curricula and legislative policies,”  stated Cretella.

This evil ideology is part of an LGBTQ drive to destroy the biblical family which has been for millennia the traditional family. But first was the push to legalise homosexuality, then gay marriage and now gender fluidity, all aimed at the bedrock of human society.

A little child starts off as a blank page. It will learn from the pattern of its parents, and with more and more homosexual partners it is hardly surprising that there are more and more gender confused children. God makes us male and female and parents should be able to teach by example what that means. Boys need to be taught how to be men and girls how to be women. To do otherwise is to set the child off on a miserable, dangerous and even deadly course.

Proverbs 22:6, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.’