Tag Archives: the lack of free speech

Waken Up Australia!

The recent attack on  Christians in Sri Lanka is but one of many constantly taking place around the world, especially in the Middle East, where now many Christians  have fled. Behind each and every attack lies Islam, and our politicians stick their heads in the sand. It is not an accident that the only free, stable, democratic country in the sea of violence there, is the one which is constantly attacked in our universities and in our left wing media,  Israel.

We don’t see Islamic Presidents or ayatollahs doing a Jacinda  Ardern public penance on behalf of their national faith though , do we? Why are such facts totally ignored by our Western leaders, except sometimes President Trump,  for most of them are too busy apologising for any offence to Muslims to have time to differentiate between the many Islamic refugees and the Christians driven from their homes, despite the proven danger of Islamic immigration.

Indeed, in many ‘multicultural’ Western nations, legislation is being passed which will prohibit any recognition that Islam is responsible for most of the world’s violence. Such a suggestion would then become  ‘Hate Speech’ and in Britain one politician has already been arrested after making a speech which quoted  Winston Churchill’s observations of the effects of Islam  on society:    “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith”,  wrote Churchill.

The arrested politician later commented on the lack of free speech in Britain, “to show the rest of the world how utterly sunk this poor old country of Britain is today,”  he said.

It is acknowledged that Australia walks the same path as Britain, but just a few years later; however what is not acknowledged is the very real danger to theWest of refusing to even discuss this subject. As a result,  it is only a matter of time before the next attack upon Australians, and we will only have ourselves to blame for electing politicians more concerned with apologising than protecting the nation.

Isaiah 9:16  ‘For the leaders of the people have misled them. They have led them down the path of destruction.’  NLT.