
Our great nation Australia is losing its way. It has lost contact with its God-given purpose. It is being failed by its political and religious leaders who are leading us astray. It doesn’t know why it possesses such rich and varied resources. All too often we have seen its goals become Satanically inspired ‘political correctness’ rather than Justice and Truth.

At the heart of all these problems lies our nation’s rejection of the only source which provides the true answers to these errors – the Holy Bible, and, if as a nation we continue along this path of rebellion against the Word of God, we are guaranteed to experience the prophesied consequences which are there for us to read in that same book.

Thankfully, not all need suffer what the Bible calls the coming Great Tribulation, from which the Bible tells us that many will not emerge to see the final return of Jesus Christ and His world-wide Kingdom, with its glorious capital of Jerusalem. All we need to do is recognise our mistakes and sins, and in turning our faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, determine to remove sinful ways from our lives.

This website exists to provide the Bible answers and support which genuine Christians need in their desire to live after the pattern of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

How we are different? We are not a church, but a support to Christians wishing to follow the ‘faith once delivered’ (Jude v 3) in the footsteps of Jesus Christ: (1Peter 2:21) Jesus is our saviour. We must listen to Him.

Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Belief in both Old and New Testaments.
Belief in the Sabbath and God’s Holy Days rather than the world’s traditions.
Use of the same calendar as Christ and the Jews of His day to determine those days, rather than a later man-made calendar.
Revealing prophecy only understood by actually keeping those days in Christ.