All posts by ozwitness

Free Speech Under Threat

Human rights have become so corrupted that after the passing of the same sex marriage laws, we now need to go cap in hand to the supposedly Liberal government to ask that freedom of belief and freedom of speech be permissible.

We should understand that human rights are often about exercising discrimination. We discriminate in choosing with whom we associate, whom we support, whom we avoid. We discriminate in what we believe, and what we defend or reject.

Our freedom of religion and speech are now under threat from the Same Sex Marriage laws, and Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act is proof that those laws will be used as a weapon by those who will claim they have been offended with views opposed to SSM, for the universal human right to freedom of belief has now been superseded by a right not to be offended. Even such cherished foundation stones of our civilisation as the words ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ are now being challenged, suggested to be superseded by ‘parents 1 & 2’ !

Such extreme views mean that those whose beliefs do not allow them to support services connected to a SSM, such as hotels, bakers or private marriage venues, risk prosecution, and we can be sure that those so – called progressives who pushed SSM will continue to downgrade our freedoms which conflict with their desire to impose their minority views upon the majority.

Already it is evident that the Marxist-inspired Safe Schools gender and sexuality programme, so recently rejected by the federal  government after many complaints from parents, is planned to be re-introduced by some labour States on the back of the SSM laws, so we can expect that attempts to preserve free speech and freedom to protect our children from evil programmes and agendas will be fiercely fought by these enemies of genuine human rights.

The god of this world will be delighted !  2 Corinthians 4:4, ‘In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.’