Tag Archives: ABC bias

Putin’s Blame of the LGBT+

This week in Australia the ABC is revealing it’s pro LGBT propaganda, it’s colourful world of rainbow evil. No wonder many have deserted ABC ‘news’ to watch English, French or American real news on SBS!

Of course those who are proudly ‘queer’, claim they are all about ‘love’ and that they harm no-one, but this week has revealed otherwise, from an unlikely source, Vladimir Putin.

In his message appealing to the nation for support of his war, Putin claimed that his war on Ukraine is being fought to protect Russia from the homosexuals’ aggressive agenda, designed to engage and corrupt Russian children.

Putin claimed, that in doing so, Russia holds the moral high-ground against the God-forsaken homosexual debauchery of the corrupt West. Of course this may be just his excuse for his imperial agenda to regain Russia’s lost power, but it was enough for those thousands listening in the stadium to raise their voices in praise of Putins war, which has cost the lives of so many innocents.

So, those lost lives are justified in the eyes of Russian parents who are being encouraged to blame the agenda of the LGTB brigade for the cause of the war.

No longer can the ABC or the LGBT brigade claim that such activities are harmless and must be promoted. Not only are the Russians correct in saying that they are morally evil, but Russian parents now believe they have a right to protect their children even at the loss of so many lives, which must fall upon the consciences of those proudly parading their rebellion against God’s commandments.

Romans 1:26-27, ‘For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.’

They Never Give Up

Traditional Australian values are consistently under attack by the media, especially the ABC. Time and again its left wing bias is denied, but the impartiality provision in its charter is blatantly ignored and the conservative values of middle Australia are constantly attacked.

With a new political editor it was hoped that sense would prevail, but no, Andrew Probyn has already been accused by The Australian Communications and Media Authority of a scathing judgmental attack on former Conservative Prime mInister Tony Abbot for his realistic views on climate change. Will he get more than a slap on the wrist? – No chance!

Tony Abbot was betrayed by his back stabbing ministers and the result has been policies which are letting down Australia. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has allowed the glamour of the international high life she has associated with, to seduce her to personal promotion, style and fashion, and neglect of her responsibilities to our region in favour of what goes down well with the UN and the EU.

She has allowed China to begin to replace us in the Pacific and it has been suggested that she has no long term plan for the region except a holding pattern left over from colonial times.

While the small Pacific nations on our doorstep look to us to lead them, our lack of attention has opened the door to the entrenchment of China. These nations share our traditional values, indeed at least one of them shares our currency, but we seem blind to their practical needs for assistance in government, services and education and instead offer to help with the empowerment of women, climate change and less visible help, while China forges ahead with strategic  infrastructure building.

These nations are crying out for our politicians to put aside their fashionable ideologies and return to basic practicalities, and that should be the case both at home and abroad. Thankfully, due to Tony Abbot, we now have border control, but immigration is still out of control and multiculturalism divides us rather than unites. We are mis-educating our children, neglecting our history and Western Christian heritage and replacing them with destructive social engineering which undermines our traditional values and culture, hardly the pattern the Pacific nations need.

Our society is still cursed with a hand-out culture in the hope of ending exclusion, but it isn’t working, and we have undermined the family and marriage which remain the bedrock of middle Australian society. Political correctness remains a poison which is white-anting  the structure of our nation but its proponents never give up.

The values we need to reclaim are the true values which will stand eternally, but which have been replaced with the evils of political correctness. Its proponents will find themselves in opposition to Christ who will return  ‘to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”  Jude 1:15.